NYC Construction Accident Law Firm

NYC Construction Accident Law Firm

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Construction workers are exposed to difficult and dangerous work conditions. This is why it's one of the top five sectors with the highest number of injuries. If you've been injured while on the job at an industrial site, it's time to contact a New York construction accident lawyer. Construction accidents are often complex and complicated to navigate, and an experienced attorney can be of assistance. The ALNY PLLC has over 30-years of expertise representing people injured in New York construction accidents. Contact us today to set up your risk-free case evaluation.

If you're injured during work, visit your doctor right away. In the event of a serious injury you'll need to be rushed to the emergency room. Even if your injuries don't seem serious, it's highly recommended to visit the doctor. Some seemingly minor injuries can be severe enough to stop your career if ignored. Many construction sites will employ a medical professional to refer the patient to. Sometimes, they're also on-site. They don't always have the diagnostic tools to make an exhaustive assessment. They'll ask for a confession from you while you're incapacitated and not even you know the severity of the injury. This is for insurers to use against you.

Similar to this, some insurers offer to send an assistant to your doctor appointments and "coordinate care." That nurse's aim is to reduce the amount of expensive procedures you're able to get since insurers have to cover the cost of these treatments. Make an appointment with a physician you count on. If your injury is critical, go to the emergency room right away. The insurance company is able to wait for a declaration until you have a lawyer at your side.

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What damages can an Accident attorney new york assist me in recovering?

The laws around construction injuries to workers are complex, however they're favourable to the injured worker. When you're injured or hurt on the working site, New York gives you two different ways to get the compensation you need pay medical bills as well as lost wages. The first is filing for workers'' compensation or filing for personal injury claims. The majority of construction workers this is the sole way to help their families after an accident. If you are injured as a construction worker you have been injured, call us today.

Victims of construction accidents who suffer injuries in construction accidents New York have two options to seek financial reimbursement by filing a claim for workers' compensation or filing a lawsuit against the legally accountable party. Workers are a benefits program that compensates injured worker for occupational injuries and illnesses without the need to prove liability.

How do I file for workers' compensation after an accident at work?

Workers' comp is an insurance type you and your employer are required to carry. It covers both you and your employer. This is what you need be aware of about workers' compensation:

In certain circumstances, if someone is injured because of a defective product, for example, equipment or tools They may be able to exercise the option of filing the claim for product liability. In such cases, the claimants must prove the product was dangerous or defective and that the defect resulted in their injuries. In cases of product liability, the manufacture or distributor of the product may be legally responsible.

You may receive compensation for medical expenses and some of your lost wages.Determining whether you are eligible for a legal claim following an accident at work requires a thorough investigation. Talk to an experienced construction accident lawyer as fast when you are able to after the incident. A legal professional can review your accident, make sure the evidence is preserved, determine whether you can start legal proceedings as well as assist you in figuring out the legal options available to you.

You don't have to prove your employer did any thing "wrong." Workers' compensation is paid out regardless of whether there was a security violation or not.

Employers do not typically challenge a claim for workers' compensation. Workers' compensation does not endanger your job. It shields employers from a claim. Workers' compensation claims is often the only remedy that a worker has against their employer following an incident in the construction industry. However, there's a few exceptions to this rule, and construction workers are entitled to pursue legal remedies against any other parties involved in the accident.

Workers' compensation isn't the "exclusive remedy" against third parties. Multiple subcontractors and/or contractors may be present at a job site at any time, and there are many guidelines on when you may hold these other parties responsible in the event of injuries caused by their actions. Certain parties can be held accountable for making sure the work site is secure, while a subcontractor can be liable if its employee was responsible for causing a hazardous environment which led to your injury.

All injured workers are eligible for workers' compensation.

The first step in your case is to make sure you've made a workers' compensation claim. This will help you determine if you are entitled to a lawsuit or not.

How do I make a complaint to claim a Construction Accident Injury?

Construction accidents generally don't happen except when a safety code is breached. It can be anything such as not being handed an adequate, safe ladder, or being given scaffold harnesses that are frayed ropes. Also, it could mean forcing employees to work for too long or in dangerous, strenuous conditions. If a workplace accident is caused by something like this the injuries you suffer directly result because of the negligence of a third party. This is when you should file a suit. Pursuing a lawsuit is important due to three reasons:

Workers' compensation is rarely able to pay you 100% of your expenses, and this is especially true for missing wages. A lawsuit lets you receive the entire amount you require.

Hire new york work accident lawyer

The construction industry is the most hazardous industry. If construction companies aren't held accountable for injuries, they will not improve safety conditions for the future workers.

Who is liable in the event of a construction accident?

If you work for an unincorporated entity, you have up to three years to file a lawsuit. However, you need to give notice much earlier.

If you wait to file an action notice in the timeframe of three years, even if you miss the deadline, you could not be able to collect any money. The insurance company could try to "disclaim" it because of the time frame that has passed. In this regard, it's imperative to consult an attorney from a construction site in the earliest time possible for the best chance to get your rightful amount of compensation.

The NYC Construction Accident Attorney prides itself on the open and respectful communication we provide to our clients. When you select us as an New York construction accident lawyer we'll provide legal assistance prioritizing you and your family. Our lawyers don't hesitate initiate legal action aggressively against those who are negligent. Take a look at our distinctive features for a clearer understanding of how we operate. When you call us at Weinstein Law Group, PLLC we don't charge a dime until we have won. It isn't a matter of how long we have worked on your case. We don't charge you a single cent if you don't receive financial compensation. Don't pass up the money that you are entitled to. Call The Weinstein Law Group, PLLC today, and we'll give you a no-cost case consultation. We'll be able to answer your questions and suggest the next step for you to follow, whether you hire us or not.

When you have an expert construction accident lawyer you will not have to confront these insurance companies by yourself. Instead, your lawyer will manage all discussions, and negotiations with insurers to ensure that you receive a fair amount for your injuries and damages.

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